

So right now I work at a restaurant as a waitress. I make 3$/hr plus tips waitressing and 8.50$/hr plus tips when I work the register. As of right now my pay without tips is 93$ a week- the past couple of weeks I haven’t made very much per night in tips. I was thinking about applying to a grocery store that’s hiring people now- they offer better hours and a pay that doesn’t fluctuate. If I start now I’ll be started out at four hours a day however many days I work and 7.50-8 dollars an hour.

I don’t know if I should just stay at my current job or try to get a job at the grocery store. My mom keeps arguing with me whenever I mention quitting the restaurant and I just don’t know what to do. I know that I need a job that has better hours because I’m going to school while working and I need a job that I can actually call off of when I need to because at my current job you can literally never call off.