Finally told someone

On Friday I finally told someone about being molested by my dad when I was 13 (I’m 26 now) and being raped at 20 by a guy at a party. When I was 13 I tried telling my step-mom, but she used it to get back at my dad and told my grandparents. I felt so guilty for what my dad was going through that I lied and said that I had never said that. When I was 20 I drank and went to go take a nap because I felt so sleepy & i woke up to a guy raping me. I remember feeling so weak, tired, and saying no over and over again. I remember he had locked the door & I could hear my “friends” trying to get in, but then I’d blackout. I woke up the next morning and my “friends” had left. I had to be driven home by my own rapist. I’ve repressed these memories & today I remembered again about being molested when I was 5 by my babysitter’s husband. I’ve never told anyone about that one.