Induction at 37 weeks

Cece • FTM to our beautiful Ginny 💖

So I’ve been so tired that I’ve barely picked up my phone, but I wanted to share my birth story! My due date was October 5th, but I was struggling with gestational hypertension, PUPPPs, and early contractions so they decided to induce me at 37 weeks. We went in that night at 5pm on Saturday the 14th and started with Cytotec to get the process of dilation started since I was not dilated at all. This gave me manageable contractions, but after 4 hours I was only 1/2 cm dilated. The resident on call decided that she wanted to try to put the foley bulb in at only 1/2 cm dilated and let me tell you, that shit HURTS. I got physically ill and the nurse I had for that night shift kept brushing me off and acting like I was being a baby about the pain. That is until I threw up twice 😂 then she got the doctors to give me some pain meds. Needless to say, when her shift was over I was not upset. By 7am Sunday morning, the nurses were switching shifts and I was in the most pain I’ve ever been in, in my entire life. They had done a second round of Cytotec which got me to 3cm and I was contracting wayyy too frequently. The new nurse I got was AMAZING and I think I might love her 😂 I knew I wanted an epidural, and she came in and made sure it happened within the next 30 min. Once the epidural was done, they waited to get me to 4cm and then started Pitocin and broke my water. It was a long process that took allllll day long. I got stuck at 5 cm for hours and hours and the night shift nurse I got was told to keep upping the Pitocin until we started to get somewhere. I was starting to worry this would all end up in an emergency C-section. Then BAM. It was 1am Monday morning and I started getting the shakes. my nurse said it seemed like labor shakes and she asked the doctor to come check me again even though I had only been 5cm dilated 45 minutes prior. What do you know, I was 9cm and just about ready to go! Honestly the rest is such a blur. I got to 10cm and my doctor came in to deliver my sweet pea. The nurse was holding one leg, my husband was holding the other. My mom was coaching me and wiping my face with a wet rag. I threw up again 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ mostly because I was so congested and had a difficult time breathing through pushing. When it was all said and done I pushed for about an hour and a half, and my sweet girl was born at 2:50am Monday morning on the 16th! I can’t believe she is almost a week old! We have been battling jaundice but otherwise she is extremely healthy and such a happy happy girl. Our hearts are full ❤️ also huge thank you to my medical team because the doctor who delivered my baby was incredible as well. Thankful I had such a wonderful medical team to help bring my little girl into the world!