I need advice.

I am in a long distance relationship we have been together for 2 years, and have been friends for like 5 or 6yrs, and we have had a hard couple of months lately, I visited my bf for about a month in June and I got pregnant and we decided to not have it, and I have been having a hard time with being depressed and my anxiety, and he’s just been a little off and weird. I have been visiting him since the beginning of September, and it’s been alright, but anyways so when I first got here he turned his Snapchat location off I was assuming so people couldn’t see that he was with me which hurt my feelings but I didn’t say anything about it, and now he has his location off on find friends, which I am not okay with. Im sure a lot of you will say so what and why does it matter but we always have it on. I like to know he is safe - especially if he is out one night and has been drinking. I still have mine on but I might turn it off , but he may not care. I’m not sure, so I might just bring it up.