C-section at 38 weeks?


I am due March 12th 2020 with baby boy #2. My first son was an emergency csection after 28 hours of labor he was stuck transverse and his heart rate was dropping.

Since giving birth to him 3.5 years ago I have had both of my sacroiliac joints fused making it impossible for me to ever give birth naturally so I will be having a scheduled csection for this baby.

I know the standard is 39 weeks however has anyone been able to schedule theirs for 38 weeks so their partner can be present? My hubby works out of town for several weeks at a time. He will be home the week I turn 38 weeks (February 27th is when I’ll be 38 weeks exactly.) and won’t be home again until 42 weeks. He is oilfield so it is not optional for him to just come home any time. He does that - he looses his job.

I’m of course going to bring this up to my doctor and basically beg her to do it at 38 weeks.(my first son was born at 37W exactly due to my water breaking on its own so this one may come early anyways.) has anybody had successfully scheduled a section for 38 weeks for a similar reason?