2 month shots

Courtney • Had my beautiful daughter Aug 8th, 2019 ❤️

Hey guys, so my baby is almost 7 weeks but they just gave her, her two month shots today because it was my postpartum checkup. She cried a bit during and then slept after for a pretty long nap. I fed her at 3 and she ate her bottle then went back to sleep. Tried to feed her again at 6 and she cried for an hour until 7. Now she’s sleeping. We’ve decided to let her sleep and give her a bath later and then try to feed her then. I’m wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience with past babies or their current baby. She is only formula fed so I can’t give her the boob or I would. It’s interesting because she did eat but now is not.

I’ll add it’s not unlike her to refuse bottles sometimes. It’s been happening every so often already and it’s usually because she’s gassy. She’s never cried for an hour though and not eaten at all. She doesn’t have a fever at all. Any insight would be much appreciated.

This is not a post to hear opinions on vaccinations. I don’t care if you don’t vaccinate, I do and will continue to. Just wondering how I can help my daughter feel better over these next couple days.