I made it through!

I was standing in kitchen talking to hubby and my 15 yr old and suddenly eww did I just pee myself? Go to bathroom and bright red blood!!! Oh no I have complete placenta previa this isn't good. Get to ER after 10 minute eval doc says too dangerous she's doing section soon as OR team arrives. So get prepped ready deliver baby he's crying but suddenly breathing rapidly and turning blue when cries so take him out to nursery and lots of rushing and they tell hubby go with baby. I overhear doc calling for 2 others and I start vomiting repeatedly and my BP is 64/42, and dropping.they give meds for that then I hear those words; accreta and blood transfusion. So they're packing me with fluid and blood then in surgery longer so spinal wears off and I feel it all! They said I have to be put to sleep so they do. I had to have 3 total transfusions and a balloon device left in side me to try stop bleeding. Baby transported to NICU I didn't get to hold or touch him. He's doing great now and I just had balloon device and cath removed. Been up several times to bathroom hurts like beep but necessary. Need to get out if there same day as lil man. Pics coming