The great race! YouTube video of fertilization


Y’all have got to watch this video. It’s an hour long but is interesting! They even use real life examples of what sperm have to go through in order to fertilize the egg. Also- now I know I have to have sex every 2-3 days in order to better my chances. I thought It would be better to have sex every day during ONLY my fertile window. (Saving up all the spermies so they will be pent up and ready to go was my logic.) DONT JUDGE ME. Turns out that’s one of the worse things you could do.

Let me know what you think! Had a few laughs in there too; hope you enjoy.

*****going to go have sex with my husband and visualize all of his sperm as people wearing white sweaters running and fighting off my immune system...And I’m going to cheer them ALL on.*******

Seriously, go watch it 😂