I'm in tears right now


This will me long.

I was adopted when I was 7months old to really bad people. they were always on drugs and they neglected us. I was 12 when they lost my brother to child abuse and 13 when they took me out of the house bc they failed a drug test. I was sent to my adopted aunt's with my brother. From the time I was in pull ups till I was 17 my biological brother raped me, burned me, cut me hit me ECT. Very abusive. He would choke me until I passed out, leave bruises where you can't see them. I got disciplined if I got in trouble by him. My fingers in a rat trap until my fingers bled. If I didn't do what he said he raped me until I did what he said. He would let his friends rape me (2) and he let my cousin touch me when we was 7. I have had 2 broken arms and all my fingers and toes broken. I've had quarters burned on my skin until it left a circle. All of this stopped when I was 17 when I told someone. I would lock my room by 4pm and pray he left me alone that night I was scared to death. But my adopted family thinks he's perfect. He started stealing at 15 and in jail at 16 but yet he's perfect. He got name brand clothes while I got clothes from churches. He got to eat out while I got to eat TV dinners. No one believed me. By 20 I tried killing myself. Because no one wanted me. I'm 25 now and my adopted family still don't want me. My real dad committed suicide when I was 13 so I tried to be with him. Of course I went to the mental Ward and I was there for 6 days while I was miscarring because of them. My last day I saw my adopted mom on the news. Apparently she stabbed swat team. She blamed it on me. My wedding day she was stealing my decorations and causes a huge fight with my mother-in-law who paid for it. Yelling and cussing in a church. Again all about her. This is the woman who always told me that she hated me because I look like my real mom who she hated. I was 5 when she started telling me I'm unwanted. I'm 25 and they still disown me when they want. They stold from me every day while I was at work to the point she taught my 6yr old step daughter what stealing was. She came to me asking why my mom stold things from me. Sad right. I've never had parents or a family. I don't know why they all hate me. My family had a bet that I was going to hang myself in my dorm. They made this bet when I was 12. Is this why God won't give me my family? I hate myself and I think I deserve the worse. I don't understand what I did. My brother is even keeping my 4yr nephew and his infant brother away from me. I've never done anything wrong other then run away from them in my early adult years. It's so hard staying on Earth. I'm a hate magnet. I have FAS which makes my brain 3 to 4 years behind my age...don't drink while pregnant. I have depression PTSD anxiety. If it wasn't for my husband I wouldn't be here. Tonight I went to go ask my brother when I can see my nephew's (I am there only for them) but he blocked me which is why I'm in tears. My evil adopted parents got mad that my husband and I moved 2 hours away to get away from them and they started telling my brother I'm on drugs just so they can get my brother not allow my nephew's around me since they wasn't allowed to. My brother called me and told me what they said and told me he knows I'm to big of a pussy to. But now I guess he believes them. (I take random drug tests at work)

I feel so alone. Be thankful for ur parents.

Sorry it's all over the place. It's 2am I'm crying and Auto correct is kicking my ass rant over

He's my rock