No one talks about this


I’ve went to the hospital twice for severe pain in my abdomen, but was told with my body type, that I’m going to feel everything more. Just told me it’s round ligament pain and sent me on my way. But this pain.... is unbearable. I wake up tossing and turning in pain. I lose my breath from the pain. I stop mid walk from the pain. I didn’t really have cramps with my periods before being pregnant, but it’s cramps but 10x worse. I never had a baby before so I don’t know what contractions feel like but if I had to guess, it would seem like this pain is the start of it. I’m 15 weeks and 1 day. Little over 100lbs and I’m 4’10. I really can’t take this pain😔 everyone I’ve asked, and I’ve even asked on here said that their pain isn’t that bad. I can’t help but worry. No I’m not bleeding or anything. Just so much pain. 😓

Is there anyway stress can have a part in it?