Lying monster in law


Hey ladies ,

I am currently 8 months pregnant and have been dealing with a lot of stress due to my husband's mother. She says and does things that are completely unfair to me. She has gone to strangers and gossiped about me and told strangers my very personal private business that I trusted her not to tell people about. She lives in the apartment downstairs from us and has told my husband that I leave all the time when he is at work ; which is a big fat lie. I never leave the house while my husband is at work so I don't know why she would tell him that. She comes up to our apartment when he is at work and goes in every room inspecting the apartment and if it's not spotless clean then she says things like our house is a complete disaster and I don't know how to clean which is bullshit because 98 percent of the time , I have the house spotless by the time my husband gets out of work. I cook and I clean . I am the perfect wife yet I get nit picked at constantly , I get talked about behind my back , and I get lied to on a constant basis. On top of the lies she has told my husband for some reason. Its really been bothering me an extreme amount and I have tried talking to my husband about it because it's HIS mother so it's HIS job to put her in her place. I am his wife and he should not be letting his mom treat me the way she does , say the things she says to me , and tell my private buisness to people behind my back. And everytime I bring it up he says to just ignore her but I'm beyond sick of it. And the one time he actually has said something to her about her coming up to our apartment and going through all of our stuff , she lied about it and he dropped the subject. I'm beyond sick of her shit. I have been nothing but respectful towards her and behind her back. I have tried to talk to my husabnd about it but he brushes it off and just expects me to deal with it but I'm done. I don't know what to do anymore. I have been extremely patient but I have no more patience left to give. I'm sick of the lies , I'm sick of being be-littled when I do everything and then some. I have boughten literally everything our baby needs . Me and my family have been the ONLY people that have got everything our baby needs. My husband makes very little money and can only afford to pay the bills , he can't afford to buy our baby anything so that all falls on me. His mom has not gotten 1 thing for our baby yet tries to tell me how she's gonna allow me to raise my child. I'm sick of it. She didn't even want him to have a baby with me , she told him every single day that he better not get me pregnant and that if he did it would be my "get out of jail free card" . Which I don't know why she would say that because he has no money and nothing to offer besides his love which is okay with me because I love him regardless. I just can't deal with his mom anymore and I really need to get him to understand how bad it's effecting me and how much stress I'm going through because of it. I just don't know what To do anymore.