Molar pregnancy?


I’m not usually one to post.

But my heart is torn right now.

I have an ultrasound today at 4 weeks 2 days due to the fact that I am high risk after my last two pregnancies, which I do have two healthy beautiful girls from.

Last Tuesday my hcg levels were at 17

On Thursday it was at 84

A blood draw yesterday showed 850

My doctor of course couldn’t see much on U/S other than thickened uterine lining and MAYBE the possibility of a teeny tiny sac. But he mentioned the possibility of a molar pregnancy based on how fast the numbers climbed. He also mentioned twins or triplets but for now that’s hard to see because the sac was sooooo tiny if that’s even what it is.

He did say he can’t rule anything out but in his gut he feels it isn’t molar but I just can’t get my mind to stop going there and it’s absolutely killing me.

I’ll have weekly ultrasounds from now until he can say one way or the other