Feeling like a let down

I’m a SAHW and it’s a decision that my husband and I feel strongly about. My husband makes really good money and the most out of most of our family.

Last year we had to take on the burden of caring for older family members. We happily did it while others who could have helped didn’t. Then there was a death in the family. So we continued to help. Whenever anyone needs help we’re happy to do it.

Now we’re on a very fixed income to try and build our savings again and just support ourselves. We still want to help but we’re having a hard time now after doing it for over 2 years and soon to be 3.

We’re feeling so let down because we can’t help as much as we used to. People rely on us. I know it seems as simple as “just say no” but when you’re the closest support and only one willing to step up.... 😔😔