Wondering what's going on...

✨Jayleen✨ • 25, Married 💍💓 && TTC 🍼👶🏽
So I've had very little spotting. Only reason why I noticed is because of course I'm hoping I've conceived this month so I've been stressing myself out on getting a BFP. The issue is I don't know if I've ovulated October 1st or October 2nd. If I ovulated October 1st then today I'll be 12 dpo and if it was the October 2nd then I'll be 11 dpo. I spotted yesterday October 12 so that would be 11dop October 1st 10 dpo October 2nd. Is it to late for implantation bleeding? I'm not due for AF until Friday. Did I miss my chance this month? Or is there still hope? I'm an irregular cycle girl.. So I was thinking maybe implantation is on the longer side of things and I won't get my BFP until aftert missed period. Help me out ladies. 👶🏽🙌🏾✨