Help: Foremilk-Hindmilk Imbalance?

Brittney • Mama of 2 girls with baby number 3 on the way (hoping for a boy!!)

I’m almost positive I have an imbalance. I dealt with (what I thought was) colic with my first daughter. Well, I’m 4 days PP. My milk just came in yesterday, and before that everything was a dream. Last night I noticed my LO was uncomfortable almost all night. She eats well, has been pooping well, until today. Today I noticed she was eating a little bit more voraciously and seemed to not get full. I tried to get her to eat as much from one breast as possible before letting her go to another, but I thought she was just cluster feeding. She also has been having, for lack of a better word, sharts all day. Green sharts. I started using my haakaa and when I looked at the bag in the fridge, I noticed there was only a small amount of the fatty hindmilk in it. Well, tonight we are having a hell of a time. She is screeeaaaaming on and off in pain and I can feel the gas in her tummy. I’m doing what I can to soothe her, but I’m just heartbroken. And I read about the imbalance while I was looking for reasons for her gassiness, it seems like the only logical reason for her to have this sudden onset of gas, and all the symptoms add up. Anyone experienced this before? If you had an imbalance, can it be corrected or did you have to do all of the recommended things the whole time you breastfed? I was so excited thinking that breastfeeding would be easier for me this time, so now I’m a little discouraged.