bad latch at 5 months.

my son just turned 5 months old the other day. initially, his latch was good (after a learning curve) but around 3 months or so he was getting really fussy at the breast. he would choke on milk and have it dribble out his mouth.

i have a big oversupply and strong let down so i knew this was why. all i could do was hand express before feeding to help him.

well, he eventually “fixed” this problem himself and ended up opening his mouth smaller for feedings. he kind of just takes in the nipple with his tongue and his mouth is not open very wide, as well as his top lip being tucked in instead of out.

it doesn’t seem to be a problem and he still breastfeeds like this today. the only thing, is he is really not good at taking the bottle when i do pump. he gags and has trouble latching on. plus, he’s used to a pretty strong flow of milk from the breast so with some bottles he gets frustrated.

so, is a “bad” latch at this point a problem if he’s getting enough food? will he adjust to the bottle eventually? (i’ve been lucky enough to be a SAHM until this point but soon will be going back to work and that means bottles for him)

he’s a 19 pound baby so i’m not worried about him getting enough lol. i’m just a little worried about bottle feeding! anything i can do to help him take the bottle easier? is it too late to fix his ‘bad latch’ since i’ve let him eat like this for so long?