I think my ex raped me

So a year ago I was at a house party with my girlfriends. Things started getting crazy and I lost everyone. So I decided to go to a quiet spot and sit by myself since I didn't know anyone there. Il admit I had a few beers and a few shots. I still new what I was doing though. I was 16. I saw my ex there with a few of his friends and when he saw me he came up to me. His friends were always trouble makers. My ex was 19. He was hot. Beyond hot. He was fucking sexy. Almost like a dream man. His body was sexy. He was flirty and smooth. He was talented at just about everything. Except. He had a drinking and drug problem. Hence the reason he was my ex. While talking to me he seemed different. So much sweeter than before. He begged me to take a few shots with him so I did. I began to feel about uneasy so I wanted to stop drinking but he kept insisting more and more. I stood up to walk away and he got up and held my hand and asked me to dance with him. We started dancing and he was coming closer and closer. I felt his breath on my neck. I felt his arms tighten around my hips. But I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to step out. I walked out and he came after me a few minutes later. He had a drink in his hand and he said "here have some water. We need to get you home" I skulled down the water and immediately started feeling dizzy his friend pulled the car up and all of us got in. I remember passing out as soon as I got in the car. When we got to his apartment I remember waking up and not being able to see straight. All I remember is seeing people all around me and man voices and being touched. I woke up the next morning and my clothes were on the floor. He walked in with a coffee and kissed my forehead. I asked him what happened and he said I had way to much to drink and that I couldn't keep my hands off him. Little did he know that I could remember most of what happened at the party. It's just the stuff that happened at his apartment that was a blur. I haven't talked to my ex since this happened. But I really needed to share this. It was way to scary and I've only told my best friend. She keeps telling me to go to the cops about it but I just. Idk. I don't know what to do. Will the cops even believe me? It's to late now. I guess I just had to let it out :(