How should I feel about my ex

So me and my ex were together for 9 months, we lived together and did absolutely everything together. I loved him for sure and still do. We broke up because one of my older ex's started shit between us and said that I cheated (I didn't!). So my BF at the time didn't believe me and we broke up. We've been broken up for 4 months now and probably once a month one of us try to reach out to one another. At one point we tried talking again to see what would happen and this time he started calling me a whore and all these other names, untrusting me. So everything fell through. Just two weeks ago, he called me asking for me back and wanted to talk about us and work on things. I didn't because I was confused because the last I heard from him he hated me. Since then, I've had him on my mind like crazy and been missing him. I did reach out and call him to see if we could talk and we didn't. Just last night, I was laying in bed with the guy that I talk to and my ex texts me "wanna come meet and fuck". Idk about anyone else but I feel as though that's disrespectful how he just txts me for that reason. And no, I do not go and have sex with him. I do watch what he posts on fb and it's always stuff about wanting a relationship back. Idk how I should feel or what to do because I do love him and would love to go back but nothing adds up anymore. Someone please help! I need advice!