Okay, too much.


Part 7. Part 1- Come on teach me. Part 2 - All too much. Part 3 - I've created a monster. Part 4 - Sexier a secret. Part 5 - Wanting to black out. Part 6 - Fun all by myself.


School, I haven't really thought about it, which is why my mother and father are now looking to me with so much disappointment.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. 

"We paid for you to go too that collage and you drop out only a week later!?" I could tell my father wanted to yell but he was good at keeping his composer. 

"ONE WEEK!!!" My mother, not so much. 

"Mom!" I groaned standing up. 

"Why!? Is it tom! I knew that man was up too something, letting you date was-" She snapped. 

"I was seventeen and consented! Ugh I'm leaving." I said walking to the door. 

"YOUR GONNA PAY US BACK!?" My mother yelled and I sighed shutting the door and sitting on the step. 

"Great." I sighed running my hands through my hair. 

"Ella?!" I looked up and my eyes went wide. 

"Oh shit hey Mark." I stood up and he gave me a hug I hugged him back. 

"So how's everything been?" He asked looking nervous and I snickered. 

"Don't be nervous, I'm not mad." I sighed. "Anymore." I mumbled and he laughed. 

"Wanna go get drinks? I was gonna meet my brother at Tucan's around the corner." When he asked I looked back to my house door and I sighed. 

"I do need a drink." I said and he nodded as we both walked to the bar, we talked and he was telling me about his job, unlike me he went right to working after high school. We got to the bar and it was crowded so we found a seat at the bar and ordered. 

About thirty minutes later we were only two drinks in and I was now talking to Mark about my situation with tom, I didn't say the name I just keep calling tom him. 

"Another be- OH shit Ella! HEY LOOK IT'S ELLA!" I looked over to see a drunk Stan who gestured to a table, my eyes made way over and I was starring at a pissed off Tom, a happy Jake, and a guilty looking Carl, like always.

"Hey Stan." Mark greeted and Stan looked to me before he looked back to mark. 

"Wait, your name is Manny right?" He drunkenly stumbled over and bumped hard into Mark's shoulder. 

"It's mark." He lightly shoved Stan away and that pissed off Stan because he turned quickly. 

"Don't touch me Marlo!" Stan snapped. 

"I SAID IT'S MARK!" I jumped away from the two and then My brother, Tom, Carl and Ben ran over. 

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOUR NAME IS MICHEAL!" I groaned grabbing my bag and walking out the bar, I looked left and seen a cab so I walked over. 

"Hey!" My arm was grabbed hard so I turned around. 

"Tom, let me go." I snatched out his hold and he took a deep breath. 

"Why were you with Mark!?" He snapped. 

"I ran into him at my parent's place, why does it matter we were at a bar." I said crossing my arms.

"Oh, okay." Tom nodded his head. 

"Go home." When he said that he sounded like it was no room for argument, but I still wanted the last words. 

"I was going anyways!" I stomped my foot and got into the cab. 


I was sitting on the couch with a cup in my hand, the t.v was on some random station and I was seething. 

We had been messing around for maybe a year now, he was LOT'S of first for me! Fuck it, he was my first everything. 

How can he not trust me? 

The door had opened and tom came over plopping down on the couch next to me, I didn't say a thing and neither did he but I could just tell he was pissed off my hands went to his thigh just to try and defuse this before it gets any worse but his hand smacked down on my wrist when his eyes opened they locked on mine.

Something was dark in him.  

"Go to the bedroom." He commanded I went to open my mouth but Tom raised his eyebrow. "Don't even test me." I closed my mouth and stood up he let go of my wrist. 

I was sitting on the bed, my hands holding the side of the bed I was biting my lip and more then nervous, I couldn't really understand what was happening and the fact that I was getting wet only made me entirely more nervous. 

The door was opened and my eyes connected with Tom's he shut the door and starred at me just for a second before turning his back and placing down his phone then turning back to me. 

"Strip." When he said that my eyes went wide. "Hello! Strip. Now!" I jumped onto my feet and slipped the clothes off my body about sixty seconds later he seemed inpatient so he came over practically ripping the clothes off my body, before pushing me on the bed. 

He went over to the nightstand and my eyes followed as he pulled out two pink leather belt's, and one of his ties. 


"Did I say talk?" He quickly cut me off then placed the things on the bed. "Move up." He said and I slid up on the bed my back against the headboard. "Hands." I put my hands up and with one of the ties he tied my hands over my head and on the headboard. "I bought these yesterday, you like em?" He asked and without talking I just nodded my head. "Good." He grabbed the tie placing it over my eyes and suddenly I couldn't see. "Mm, you look very sexy like this." Tom was taunting me, his hand trailed over my body stopping at my thigh. 

I felt a light kiss on my neck and I shivered, kissing down my body till he stopped at my thigh he was placing light kisses so close to my core I was practically outta breath, suddenly his lips wrapped around my clit and I let out a moan then tried to buck my hips only for tom's hand to connect with my waist holding me down rough. His tongue was going slow almost torturous, my breathing was short, only letting out whines because I couldn't muster up enough to breath to moan. 

Finally, I could breath my body let out a loud moan as his tongue flattened against my pussy. His fingers exited and entered my pussy my head was spinning and it didn't help that I couldn't move my arms or see. 

"Cum." He said before he flicked my clit with his tongue, my orgasm came crashing down which made tom groan and just made my moan come out louder, my legs started to tremble I was so outta breath I didn't realize that he had got off the bed. I then didn't hear anything other then the sound of the door open, close, then open again. 


"Quiet!" He sounded scary and honestly this was getting a little sca- Hearing the sound of something vibrating I tilted my head. "I also got this, have you ever used one?" He asked and I sucked in a deep breath. 

"What is it?" I asked outta breath still. 

"A vibrator my love." When I heard my love I was more then happy for his soft voice to come back, but I couldn't even think about that as he slid the vibrator against my thigh I pulled my legs up and he dropped the vibrator yanking my legs back towards him I gasp's in shock and then felt something metal being placed on my ankle, I went to move my leg but I couldn't. 

He has me all the way tied down?! Okay this is a little freaky no- "Shit." I hissed as he pressed the vibrator hard against my clit then feeling his tongue made my back arch off the bed, not even two minutes go by with the vibrator on my clit, and his tongue dancing inside my hole I was cumming for the second time. I was in tears when he didn't stop his tongue kept moving and the vibrator did not seize from my clit, which at this point is more then sensitive. 

"T-t- Ahhh." Two more times, he didn't stop till I came two more times the tears were rushing out my eyes and the pleasure was only making my body burn, I was so hot I felt like I was gonna pass out. 

Finally he turned the vibrator off and climbed off me, I didn't hear a thing for maybe a minute as I was trying to get out the ties yes it was hurting but I honestly just wanted out these ties and off this bed. I felt tom's hand press firmly against my wrist as and I gasps he kissed my neck and I shivered. 

"N-no mo- I- c-ca-"

"Can't?" He chuckled darkly his hand trailing down my stomach. "You can, wanna know why?" He whispered and I could feel his breath against my cheek, I just nodded my head. "Because I'm the boss here, not you." Then he slammed his lips against mine spreading my legs and with no time to ease his pace was fast and rough I could barely breath he was filling me up like he's never done before. I couldn't even think clearly at this point my head was mush and spinning my legs were shaking my eyesight blurry. "Wanna cum again?" I couldn't even answer him if I wanted tom my breath was so out of it. "Hello!" He snapped and I opened my mouth but I couldn't get anything out. 

I gasp's as the blindfold was ripped right off my face, and I was starring into the dark, angry eyes of tom he looked so intimidating, his forehead was full of sweat but he also looked hot he looked so fucking hot my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I was cumming for I don't even know how many times it was. 

His thrust got sloppier, and he bit down into my neck the hardest's he's ever done, I screamed out and then I felt him release inside me moaning out my name was the last straw for him because he released inside me before he collapsed next to me on the bed, untying my wrist I basically collapsed onto the bed I looked over to see tom just starring at the ceiling with a look of sadness on his face, I reached down pulling the medal off my ankle and tossing it to the side. 

"I-I think i'm gonna go." I whispered and when he didn't answer I got out the bed and got dressed, I got outside and the cold air felt really good on my skin looking down to my wrist I just took a deep breath and walked down the road. 

I just needed some fresh air. 

Part 7