My half sister part 38



"can I get you a drink?". The barman said innocently,

"ummm just a coke please I'm driving." I said feeling slightly wrong footed by the fact that he knew who I was. He brought over a coke and slid a glass of water in front of Chris.

"seriously." he said to the barman.

"lils will kill me." he shrugged. Chris sighed,

"can you give us a minute."

"I'm working." he said Chris looked around significantly indicating the empty bar.

"point taken."

"thanks bro." Chris said as he headed into a back room. We sat in an uncomfortable silence that I refused to break. I subtly glanced at him out of the corner of my eye he didn't look happy. It had only been a month since he had left me but he definitely looked different He had lost weight, he looked pale and tired. He sighed as though too exhausted for this,

"Sarah why are you here? " I hated how much I loved hearing him say my name.

"I don't know." I admitted,

"maybe you should have thought of that before you came here."

"maybe I figured I'd just get inspired."

"great." I said as she slid off her stool. "so you came here with nothing to say."

"i came with a lot to say but I wasnt sure what was the one to say I've now decided."

"wh..." but before I could even finish that single word Sarah punched me in the eye. I fell off the stool grabbing the bar to stop myself hitting the ground.

"you punched me."

"yeah I did. That actually helped. I feel much better."

"shit Chris are you OK?" the bar tender said hurrying out of the back room.

"I'm fine." he said gently poking around his eye that was already beginning to swell up. I felt a very immature savage kind of pride at that. "hey you were supposed to be giving us some privacy." he smiled and backed out of the room again.

"so you've come here to hit me."

"you deserve it." I snapped,

"no I deserve way worse so is that it or you going to continue punching me."

"I haven't decided yet." I said hating that I sounded like a petulant teenager but the anger faded as quickly as it had flared up.

"you know that was a pretty good shot." chris said smiling at me damn those dimples. I cursed at my traitorous body as just the sight of that smile instantly turned my pussy into fucking niagra falls. I folded my arms hoping to make it very clear I was still angry with him." look juliet you want to hit me again go ahead." he bit his lip as too late he realised what he'd said.

"I don't want to hit you." I whispered.

"good because that did Actually hurt." I smiled Chris reached out and grasped my hand. "I'm glad your here." he said softly keeping his eyes locked straight ahead. I snapped my hand from his.

"I just needed to know... Why?"

"I thought it was for the best."

"the best? You broke my heart."

"you were better off does Dylan know your here?"

"he told me to come here."

"he did?"

"sort of he told me to come I ignored him for a week sulked for 2 more weeks then had to wait another week until I actually had a day off to drive here." Chris frowned,

"oh." I looked down at a hole in my jeans just above the knee that I focused on.

"I heard you've been visiting Theo, that you call him every week.

" I know I know its too little too late. But I... I didn't want to just dissappear on him. "

" I spoke to him he absolutely adores you already. " Chris smiled.

" me and Dylan broke up. "I blurted out before I could stop myself.

" oh. "

" not exactly surprising I mean I cheated on him a lot in those 2 days and I knew I would the second I found you. If you wanted to obviously. "

" you knew I would too. Who broke up with who.? "

" me I guess he was trying to look after me, apparently you asked him to."Chris smiled sheepishly," It was mutual. "

" well I'm sorry I don't like the idea of you getting hurt. "

" that didn't hurt me, you were the one who broke my heart."

"im sorry." his phone started to buzz he instantly hushed it.

"look I didn't come here to get into that you made a choice and it's... Its OK."

"oh hi." an awkward female voice said Chris looked over and gave a vague smile.

"hey Lil." Lily my stomach clenched as I took in this pretty blond girl who was hovering nervously."errr Sarah this is lily um... Petes" he gestured vaguely at the back room. "his wife."

"oh." I said quietly inside feeling very stupid. Lily stood perfectly still patiently waiting and Chris resolve crumbled he had to make an introduction, "lils this is Sarah my... Um."

"sister." I supplied, after all he was the one who put an end to anything else he nodded but a light seemed to go out in his eyes. We all stood thoroughly awkward for a few seconds before the sheer awkwardness got the better of lily.

"that's great." she said coming over all smiles, "we didn't even know Chris had a sister are you here to help his heal his broken heart still here pining over his girl I'm guessing you know all about that he won't tell us a thing. But of course that's not why your here. I'm sorry I'm so stupid of course it's not that... "

" Lil !!!" Chris snapped he gave a Tony head shake. She sighed,

" Chris, "she said shaking her head I frowned clearly they were discussing more than I understood. Chris' watch buzzed again.

" you need to get that. "lily said as he hushed it he sighed.

" I will. "

" now. " she snapped,

" ill be one sec. " he said heading out the back. Lily stood awkwardly for a moment torn clearly wanting to quiz me but wondering what angle would yield the juiciest results.

" I better go find Pete." she said brightly "it was nice meeting you."

"you too." I said politely as she scampered past.

"oh" she said pulling a large white paper bag out of her shoulder bag and placing it on the bar. "it's for Chris." I nodded my eyes locking on the bag that I knew was a pharmacy bag. I tried to resist but only managed a second before I caved and grabbed the bag. I pulled out box after box and with every one a realisation dawned on me. I read each label carefully fighting the comprehension. But even if I hadn't been a doctor the leaflets neatly folded inside the bag were a neon sign it was like the worst ever party bag. I heard raised voices from the kitchen.

"lils she can't see it."

"whats the big deal?"

"lils she's a fucking doctor." Chris barreled through the door followed closely by Pete and lily who all stood frozen in the doorway. His eyes locked on me.

"that's what you were hiding from me" I whispered. "your having chemo you have cancer."

Thank you again for reading. I really appreciate all the support and comments ❤️❤️❤️