Dream feeds

My daughter is 12 weeks old and has been going to bed at 7pm now for 4 weeks. She sleeps straight through till at least midnight. Sometimes she doesn't wake until either 1,2 or 3 sometimes even 4 and has been known to sleep straight through till 6am. Shes very unpredictable. U never know when shes going to wake and if she does she doesnt always want a bottle its just a quick dummy replacement. Now I'm thinking if I start giving her a dream feed at around 10 so I can get at least a good freak hours sleep if shes was then to wake around 4? I dont know what to do I need some sort of structure to her night. Night feeds doem bother me but it's the inconsistent timings that mess up my body and it's really taking its toll. I have a toddler to take care of too so no chance of daytime naps! If I had consistent night feed times then I would feel much better due to my body knowing and no being all over the place. I know babies are I predictable and you have to take everyday as it comes I was just wondering your experiences with dream feeds if you gave them?