TTC after a heartbreaking decision

I literally have no idea what group to put this in and I personally don’t want any nasty comments, I have a beautiful daughter who is nearly 2, in29 and a fiancée of 6 years who is 32 , when my daughter was 10 months old I fell pregnant again, this was not planned, (I was breastfeeding) I was currently suffering pretty bad with postnatal depression, I just couldn’t see light at the end of the tunnel, I doubted myself for every little thing I did, was I a good mum, what did everyone think of me, am I doing this and that right, etc, when i found out i was pregnant I felt pretty happy to be bless with been a mum again, but I just wasn’t ready, I worked full time right up to the end of my pregnancy and adapting to momma life and having a lot of time on my hands on those early months was super hard for me, I lost who I was, to cut this story short and to emotionally take myself back to where I was, I felt the best option for me and my fiancée was to terminate the pregnancy at 6 weeks, i asked myself was i, physically, mentally and emotionally able to bring another child into the world and be the best mum I could be and at that stage the answer was NO, after the termination, I felt nothing but guilt, disappointment and disgust, I had councilling and plenty of appointments to see my doctor, nearly a year later, me and my partner are in such a different place, I’m handling the post natal depression, in-fact I’m enjoying life now, we feel ready and in the position to try again, but.... i know I’m 29 and I have my own life. When I did go through what I did my mum said never to try for kids again because of what i did :( I feel that when i do fall pregnant I’m going to have to lie to her and my family, I feel as though I had my chance then and now I don’t deserve another chance to try for a baby and to be a mum again, I feel as though I need to say I’ve accidentally fallen pregnant and I’m so happy about it, can someone shed any light on what they think I should do, no nasty comments, post natal depression is a horrible thing and I wasn’t in a very good place then... thanks