Guess I’m on my own 💔

My daughter is almost 3 weeks old and her dad is making it pretty clear he doesn’t wanna be around “because of me”. My heart is so broken just because I really thought he’d change and be different once she was born and the first few days he was great and now he just is back to his old ways. ☹️ I’m 19 & still living at home so I ask him everyday if he’d come see her and he never wants to comes once maybe twice a week and only stays a few hours. It’s been so hard on me practically being a single mom doing it on my own. He got mad when I asked him to buy diapers & refused to buy formula so I’m going to have to throw in the towel. I can’t let my daughter go through any of this and I want her to know that this isn’t how people are supposed to be treated. I’m just so heartbroken because I truly love him and was so excited to have a family but guess the feelings aren’t mutual. As if postpartum wasn’t already hard enough 😔