Just need to vent !!


So you might think I’m crazy after reading this !! On September 13th I got my period but it was definitely lighter than normal although lasted the full 7 days ! All pregnancy test have said negative! I can shake this feeling that I’m pregnant. I should have already ovulated but I have not had any of the normal signs I usually get that it is going to occur ! I’m on cycle day 14 and I normally have a 26-28 cycle and during the period there were no cramps. I also normally know when I ovulate because I’ll get a sharp pain or cramp on whatever side I ovulated from !

I keep wanting to buy more pregnancy test even though a part of me says logically your not pregnant! This other little voice in me says something’s off ! I’m going crazy and just needed to get it !! My husband and I are not actually trying though and currently because of his job in the military he can’t have more than 3 dependents until after he gets accepted to this program he’s applying for.

I have a doctors appointment on October 9th to have my birth control implanted and wish I just knew what is going on ! This would be my 3rd baby by the way and I’m trying hard to have faith in the Lords plan !