I’m sad at the turn of events

This could be a long paragraph and i’m sorry but thank you if you read the entire thing. My current boyfriend and i meant when i was still living in the same town as him and we talked for a few months before becoming official, since the moment we met i was able to be myself and rarely felt shy around him just because of the vibes he gave me and i felt so comfortable with him. We started spending ever second we could together and he was the nicest person i’ve ever met, when i wouldn’t know something he would just teach me instead of making me feel dumb for not knowing, after we became official was about the time i moved 5 hours away. i was in a bad home situation and couldn’t stay in the town but i wanted so badly to just stay with him. after i moved we tried our best to talk as much as we can but than we started arguing, we never really fought before because it wouldn’t become an argument cause we would just talk it out. things felt like they were falling apart, a little after our one month, i felt like we were distancing and barely talking and talking was all we had because it would be a few months until i would be able to go visit him. than a little before our 2 month anniversary, he told me he doesn’t have the motivation to do this anymore, he was upset and i was also and i just asked if this was what he wanted. we broke up and still texted the next few days and on the 3rd day i told him i missed him and told him i wanted to get back together. we were okay until we weren’t anymore, a week later we broke up again, he said his feelings changed. my heart was so broken again because i thought we were okay again but leading up to that he had barely texted for 2 days before that but said he was fine when i asked. a week goes by and he tells me he misses me and i told him i miss him too and i told him we really need to talk about things, we need to get our communication better and really try. Things were good but in the past two days he would barely text me and i tried to call but to get no answer. so yesterday i told him i think we need a break, i thought he was distancing himself and just thought it would be good for us to have some time to think. i have a flight booked to go see him in a little over a week. he was angry because he didn’t know why we needed it and i asked to explain, he said sure and i called to tell him that he’s barely been talking to me and i wanted to talk to him about things. he sounded upset on the phone and i just told him that i don’t like what the distance did to us and i just think back to when we were together, but he was talking like he’s already given up on us. the call started disconnecting and i hung up and tried to call him again, no answer. i text him to call me when he’s home since he’s driving, right after i told him to just read a paragraph i sent when he gets home too, it was all the little moments i think about when me and him start distancing, all the things we experienced together. he hasn’t texted back and i sent that yesterday. i feel really heartbroken because me and him talked about our future, i could tell him all my secrets without him ever judging me or treating me different, i love him more than anything and want things to work out but i think he’s already given up on us. it hurts so much to think that the future we talked about is over, that the person who was my other half barely talks to me. i don’t know where we stand right now, i just want to talk things out but if he doesn’t respond than im fighting for something that only i believe in.