Brittany • Mother to two beautiful children, engaged to the love of my life! Baby girl Layla Faith 6/8/18 & baby boy Kameron Chandy 7/1/19 ❤️💜

Today I lost my father 😥 at 10:59 this morning my father took his last breath due to him bleeding internally. I have 3 sisters and a brother we were all there when it happened which I’m glad we were all there for him even though he was in and out of our lives. Holding his hand and seeing him like that on life support was devastating for me and broke my heart to pieces. He stopped breathing once the doctors turn off the machine and I freaked out 😥 my mother told me Brittany he just breathed he still alive. Then I told him I love him. Then I said dad can you hear me and he took his last breath right after. Doctors came in and let us know he was gone. I couldn’t stop holding him yelling for him telling him I love him. 😥 everyone please cherish the time you have with you loved ones because anything can happen at any moment. This happened in the matter of one day 💔 R.I.P Daddy I love you !!!