Anxious as hell


So I'm a ftm. My baby was born this tue. The labor was not what I thought. Checked in sunday for induction and none of the meds worked for dilation and epidural didnt work all the way.... much pain.

Last night was our first night home and i was so anxious a d down feeling. Didn't sleep due to it. Keep getting scary thoughts what if I'm not a good mom or somehow hurt my baby... which I would never do. This is supposed to be the happiest days of my life... we ttc for 3 years and this is our <a href="">IVF</a> miracle. I am on prozac. My milk came in today. Are these feelings normal?! It scares me and I hate it.

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Ppl make you think these are going to be the happiest days of you&#x27;re life but realistically there exhausting, overwhelming, very emotional days...Becoming a mom is hard! I for one was not prepared for the emotional aspect of it! It takes time to adjust and for hormones to become somewhat normal. Just feel how you feel, theres nothing wrong with that.I found listening to guided meditations while going to sleep helped drown out my thoughts


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Yes. Those feelings are normal and very common. Your hormones are going crazy and you are likely sleep deprived; it&#x27;s hard at first. Ask for help when you can and keep being open and honest with your doctor. As cliché as it sounds, it will get easier.


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I felt the same way and I never told anybody but it ate me alive and soon after turned into PPD. If it lasts more than a few days after labor, I would definitely talk to your doctor.


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There&#x27;s a huge difference between baby blues and ppd.. let your health care provider know you&#x27;ve had these feelings and ask for close people to keep an eye on you &amp; if they notice change (especially around the 6wk mark it&#x27;s usually when it peaks) your doing great if your doing your best!! Just keep reminding yourself that nobody is perfect 😁 good luck