How to decide...

For those with supply issues that wound up switching to and why did you make the change? I’ve been struggling with low supply from the get go due to baby being premature and spending 4 weeks in the NICU. I’ve wanted to breastfeed since I found out I was pregnant but I’m getting extremely discouraged. I’ve been pumping and feeding that milk by bottle the last week because baby and I both had thrush and my nipples hurt so bad. I only pump half of what he eats and we are supplementing the rest with donor breast milk, which is extremely expensive.

Pediatrician recommended I get baby back on the breast and order a $10 scale from amazon to do pre and post feed weights to see how much he’s getting. I’m not giving up yet because he still latches well and I want to try the weight checks since I really have no idea how much baby is able to get. But I really feel like I’m on my last leg. I’m completely exhausted from feeding, pumping, repeat and every time I pump I feel completely defeated. I mentioned something about it today and my husband clearly wasn’t on board with me stopping. I don’t want to but I feel like he has no idea what I’ve been going through to maintain the little bit of milk I’m providing.

Sorry for the long post. Feeling very discouraged today and don’t know what to do