Change your mind about kids?


Have you had a change of heart (or mind) about children?

My husband and I pretty much have always said we didn’t want kids. For him, he wanted them when he was younger and then changed his mind. For me, I’ve just always said (since I was a kid) that I didn’t want kids.

About 2.5 years ago we had a VERY UNEXPECTED pregnancy but it ended.

Since then our minds have started shifting a little. We decided when I turn 30, we’ll have a real discussion on what we really want in life; whether or not we want children or not.

So, my 30th birthday is in two months.... and literally, I think about kids/babies all the time now. I’m thinking of how I’d tell him, my family, etc. what I’d name a baby, how I’d want to raise them, etc. etc. etc. lol

Tonight we were at a wedding dinner and the couple next to us had a 4 month old. My husband had so many questions for the dad. “How old is she? How is it? Harder than you thought? Does she sleep through the night? How much did she weigh? Has she had any fun developments so far?” And so many more. He’s literally never asked anything about babies (at least not in front of me). I could tell he was genuinely interested and really enjoying the conversation with the dad.

It feels so weird that we are starting to really come to terms with having kids.

Have you changed your mind about having kids??

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