Need a break



I love my daughter so much, but I am just so tired. For the past 10 weeks the parenting has fallen on me full time, as my husband is back at work. And I am just so tired: Tired of trying to make a schedule, tired of worrying about whether she’s getting enough sleep/activity time during the day so that she sleeps enough at night, tired of washing countless bottles and loads of laundry, tired of still waking up every 2-4 hours at night, tired of hearing from other moms that their babies sleep through the night already and privately wanting to slap them. I’m just so tired. This is so hard and I need a break.

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Maybe ask a friend or family member to come over and hang out with the babe for a bit while you take a long shower or bath. Try and remember this is only temporary. Your baby will eventually sleep more. Recruit your husband a few times to be with the baby- even if it’s only for you to walk to the mail box. This too shall pass.


Posted at
My daughter started sleeping through at 18 months, no shame here. Yes it sucks, but it gets better. She's 2.5 now, goes to bed at 730ish, wakes up at 830am. So I get my sleep (finally). Hang in there


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I would like some advice or someone to listen I don’t know how this works


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No, no, no. You need to talk to your husband. If you’re a stay at home mom, your job is to take care of the kid and the home while he’s at work. So from 9-5 every day, you make the food and take the baby to appointments, play with him or her, etc. When your husband is home from work, your job is also done. When work is done, you are BOTH parents. That means he needs to help with feeding, changing, and interacting with the baby. You did not make this baby by yourself, and it’s ridiculous that he isn’t helping you. You need to talk to him and get some alone time every day, even if it’s just an hour, or you are going to go crazy.


Posted at
I am in the same boat... and what makes it worst for me is that I have anxiety on top of everything. I love my daughter also very much but I’m at my wits on what to do. My LO is 13 weeks now and she’s still waking up sometimes around 2am, 4am, and I may get 7am once in a while.