He bought a ring!? OMG šŸ˜

So my bf and I have been together 5 months. We had an immediate connection. I was single for about 8 months after a 4 and half year relationship that was toxic as shit for me. I spent time getting to know myself and just enjoy being alone. When I decided to date most tinder fellas were real ā€œwinnersā€ and often it never went beyond a coffee date. Until I met SO. Heā€™s amazing, he is so sweet, caring, he does things just to see me smile. We both fell fast and hard and we know it. Weā€™ve talked about our future and how much we canā€™t wait for time to pass and to be able to get engaged or have kids. I know itā€™s soon, but for once I believe in, when you know you know. Heā€™s said it a million times heā€™d marry me tomorrow. And I agree. Thereā€™s no doubt. Our communication is amazing, we have outside likes and dislikes and it all just works.

Anyways, back to the ring. The other night on the couch he got up to pee. Left his phone next to mine and mine went off. I went to grab my phone and his was open on his email. I didnā€™t mean to see anything, but I seen a recent email from the Etsy ship of a custom ring designer Iā€™m obsessed with. I didnā€™t open anything and quickly hit the standby button on his phone so he wouldnā€™t think I seen something. I wouldnā€™t snoop as I have no reason to. But the last 2 weeks heā€™s made hilarious little hints like saying my name with his last name. Asking what kind of wedding Iā€™d like. Saying how there shouldnā€™t be timelines to how someone feels and he wishes he could just propose without judgement if itā€™s within a year or two. So Iā€™m 90% sure itā€™s a ring. I know this shop takes weeks to make and ship a ring so it wonā€™t be here anytime soon but Iā€™m dying because I love him so much and I canā€™t believe he really wants forever with me.