Am I overreacting?


My best friend got married this past weekend and as her MOH I did a speech. During the speech I was nervous and distracted. I couldn't see what I had written well and the whole thing was littered with 'umms'. To make matters worse there was a baby that began crying at one point and I had to pause and start up again. I didn't think it was so bad. I knew it wasn't great but I figured it was good enough

Now today my boyfriend tells me that apparently the whole table he was sat at (which included my parents) were playing a drinking game and taking a sip whenever I stumbled over my words. My heart sunk and I almost started to cry. This news came right after finding out another table was laughing at me so I don't know if I'm overreacting or not.

I feel embarrassed and extremely upset and just wondering if my feelings are being directed accordingly or if I'm just being sensitive.