Mixed families


So my husband and I have been together for a few years. My daughter is about to be 5 this week. He has known her since she was 2. He also has an 8 year old daughter. They are exact opposites. My girl is wild and spirited and pushes boundaries, while his is mild mannered and looked at as the good girl. They are both amazing little girls and I love them both as my own but tonight we got into a huge fight when he called my daughter a jealous asshole to me. I couldn’t even believe it. I’m 8 months pregnant with a little girl of our own and he got mad that my daughter was laying on my belly and rubbing it saying “my baby” like come on she’s 4 years old and they are also playing this “mine” game lately. Like them both saying my mommy and it’s usually a joke and I don’t like it at all. I told him not to even start things like that. He started it joking around but she’s always had a jealous streak when it comes to me. So he thinks everything she does is jealousy based and bratty acting like everything is hers. Don’t get me wrong she has problems with understanding that saying things like “mine” is not okay. I work hard on disciplining her and trying to make it fair to see everyone’s side. Tonight I was put in the middle when he got so mad that he started name calling, not in front of her but still. I said how would you like it if I was saying that about your daughter, what if I was calling her an asshole and saying fuck this about her. He got mad cause he said his daughter is so good and she’s never bad and stormed out of the house. We are now not talking at all. Has anyone else dealt with situations like this? This isn’t the first time stuff like this has come up since they are so opposite and he doesn’t always understand my daughter. I tried to communicate and he just shut down. This all feels so wrong and I’m so sad that it came to this. I’m not willing to back down or apologize and I think he’s expecting me to. What do you guys think of it all?!