Does Texas Medicaid cover NIPT test??

I’m 10w1d pregnant I have my appointment on Friday I was wondering if Medicaid covers that nipt test? I heard the test also tells you the gender and I want to know as soon as possible what gender the baby is but I don’t have any money to pay out of pocket for tests so... does Texas Medicaid cover it???

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My doctors office said that it was only covered for high rosk pregnancies but i emailed medicaid and they said they did


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I had my NIPT at 11 weeks. Not on Medicaid, but the lab said insurances only cover if you’re a high risk pregnancy. I paid $200 for mine. (Gender was wrong btw lol)


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Yes Texas covers it.


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Yes mine did


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no. unless you meet requirements and are considered for it as medically necessary they no longer cover it.


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I’m not sure about Texas but I know Minnesota’s doesn’t. I had to do the Maternit21 test instead. Insurance actually ended up covering that one though. Otherwise it was going to be around $300 out of pocket.