Migraine Medicine


Today my doctor prescribed medicine (Fiorinal -Aspirin/Caffeine/ and a slight sedative-)for my migraine (it was going on day 4) but the medicine is not recommended for pregnant ladies. I’m having some cramping now, but it’s been about 8 hours since I took the medicine. Has anyone else taken medicine prescribed by their OBGYN that’s not recommended for pregnant ladies? I’ve been worried about it since I took it.

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What did they give you? When I was pregnant with my son I had a horrible migraine that made my hands numb, blurry vision, my color changed in my face & I was throwing up sick. I went to labor & delivery and they hooked me up with an IV and had to give me a low dose of morphine. Still to this day I get bad migraines & I have to take Fioricet with codeine(not pregnant). I hope you get better soon ❤️


Le • Oct 1, 2019
If your doc gave it to you then you will be ok, they wouldn’t give you something that would harm the baby.


Mercedes • Oct 1, 2019


Posted at
You gotta trust your Doctor. They won’t give you stuff that’s not safe. They likely have done research to know what’s good and what’s not. Don’t go to google. What medicine is it? I was given one for the headaches too.


Nini • Oct 1, 2019
I was also on it for the aspirin to reduce my chances of preeclampsia.


Nini • Oct 1, 2019
That’s what I got because they were caffeine withdrawal headaches. Trust your Doctor, they do the research to know what’s okay.


Mercedes • Oct 1, 2019
Fiorinal was the medicine it is aspirin caffeine and a slight sedative


Posted at
What is the medicine called !? I was prescribed something for migraines in all 3 of my pregnancies! It was safe during pregnancy, if your medicine wasn’t safe the dr wouldn’t have prescribed it


Mercedes • Oct 1, 2019