(May bother those who are having trouble TTC)

I'm very young. Almost 20. I have a daughter (10 months old) with the most amazing man in the world. He's almost 21. We've been together almost four years. I'm so excited typing this right now I feel like all of my good writing skills have gone out the window.

But anyways here we go. I really don't want to hear judgement on what I'm about to say. We're happy and doing well in life.

To start. Yesterday my period was supposed to come on the 2nd. I had a pregnancy test I bought a month or two ago lying around and I wanted to get rid of it. I never suspected I'd get the result I did though. As what looked at first like a negative slowly dried the other line came in.

I didn't believe it. So having less than an hour I got my baby and hauled ass down the street to the 99¢ store

I grabbed two tests and ran out the door a few minutes before closing. I kept telling myself the first test could be wrong. I got different brands to be sure. (I ruined the strip test on accident. ) I didn't even wait an hour to take it and immediately two lines came up.

Now I knew it was real. I was in absolute shock tbh.

I called my partner crying. I didn't think it was time. I had just gotten my birth control refilled the same day too! Life is a cruel mistress. But he was happy. He is positive we can make this work. We are aiming to get our own place in a few months. I'm getting a new vehicle soon and we're going to make it work.

But it doesn't stop there.

I laid in bed for what felt like forever. I felt overwhelmed and couldn't sleep.

All of a sudden he texts me saying he has a surprise for me. He gets off at three with donuts and chocolate milk and I beg him to tell me what the surprise he has is.

But he says not until six am. 😭😭😭 I finally fall asleep around five and sometime around nine I got up. Immediately I realize I can Now know what the surprise is. He leads me out to the living room. I sit on the couch. All of a sudden I see roses and my favorite cookies.

I'm Shook. He's never given me flowers in all the hears we've dated. And before I know it HE GETS DOWN ON HIS KNEE AND PULLS OUT A RING.

The exact ring I'd been eyeing for awhile too !

My pictures suck I know. But I said yes!!! He looks at me and tells me that whatever we were going to go through it would be as husband and wife. ❤️❤️❤️

Then he goofily pitches one of his original proposal ideas. I guess one of the stores he went to didn't have flowers so he thought about hiding the ring in a bag of spinach for some reason 🤣🤣🤣 I forget what else he said along with it but it was just weird.

But our baby is due June 10Th, 2020. ❤️❤️❤️ here's to a good future!!!