Miss Johnson pt. 2

Every weekend Zach kept his eyes peeled for sitings of Miss Johnson. He didn’t know how, but he was head over heels crazy about her. Week after week he strived to be the first person in class so he could be in her presence longer. He was always seeking to impress her by answering more questions in class & turning in work early. He soon became her unofficial class pet. He did little favors for her in class like cleaning the board, reaching for items that were high on shelves & carrying her books for her to her next hour. Zach’s best friend started to notice the obsession.

Pete: Hey man, you know I’m your boy, right?

Zach: Yeah, since the 2nd grade.

Pete: Ride or die?

Zach: Yes to the end. Why are you bringing this up?

Pete: I just gotta know, dude.

Zach: Know what?

Pete: Are you & Miss Johnson um... Hookin’ up?

Zach: What?!

Pete: I mean you’re always in her class &...

Zach: That’s my home room class. Of course I’m always there.

Pete: I’m just sayin’ man. You gotta be careful.

Zach: Alright. Thanks for lookin’ out.

Pete: Cause she’s hot & all, but you don’t wanna mess up your scholarship.

Zach: I know. I know.

Pete: And you know she’s engaged right?

Zach: I know. I know.

Miss Johnson: Hey boys, everything ok?

Zach: Yes, ma’am.

Pete: Yes, Miss Johnson.

Miss Johnson: Zach, will you be able to help me this weekend?

Zach: Of course. I’ll be there.

Miss Johnson: Ok, see you then.

Miss Johnson walks away.

Pete: What’s this weekend?

Zach: Ok, I confess. I have a crush on her. But it’s just an innocent little crush.

Pete: Man! Don’t give me that... I give you two weeks & you’ll be in love with her. Just you wait.

Zach: Oh please, Pete.

That weekend, Zach showed up to Miss Johnson’s apartment to help her. She was moving into a bigger apartment & needed help transporting boxes.

Zach: Hey Miss Johnson.

Jenna: Oh please, it’s the weekend. Call me Jenna.

Zach: I’ve never heard your first name before.

Jenna: Get used to it.

Zach: You have a ton of books. You weren’t kidding about having your own library.

Jenna: What can I say? I’m a huge bookworm.

Zach: I like that...

Jenna: Oh you do?

Zach: I just... I just... I just meant that I like that cause I’m a bookworm myself.

Jenna: Ok.

Zach picks up a photo of Jenna & her fiancé.

Zach: So is this your..

Jenna: fiancé. Yeah, that’s Tom. He’s in the Navy & out for more training. He grew up here. Did you know him?

Zach: Uh yeah, I heard of him. He was in the rotc group so I didn’t get the chance to know him.

Jenna: Its interesting how someone can be so wrapped up in their own world they miss out on the world around them.

Zach: I know what you mean.

After loading Zach’s truck & making a couple of trips to & from Jenna’s old apartment to the new apartment, it was starting to get dark.

Jenna: Oh my gosh! Look at the time! You should go home now.

Zach: No, it’s ok. I told my folks this may take all day. They’re not really expecting me.

Jenna: Oh ok. You should go anyways, I can finish the rest tomorrow. It’s mostly the little things & kitchen stuff.

Zach: What do you say we grab something to eat?

Jenna: You know I’m honestly just tired.

Zach: We can order in?

Jenna: You sure?

Zach: Yeah, my treat.

Jenna: No. I can’t let you do that. You already gave up your whole day. I should be paying you.

Zach: I insist.

Jenna: Ok. Um... I have a feeling I’m not gonna win here. Fine.

Zach: Is pizza ok?

Jenna: That happens to be my favorite.

Zach: Another thing we have in common.

The two bonded over sports, their favorite books, tv shows, movies & food. They devoured all the pizza they ordered & the night was coming to a close.