Miss Johnson pt. 8

October had rolled around & the Ridgemont rockets won the football championship. Jenna faithfully came, along with the rest of the faculty to all the home games. And of course, she came to cheer on Zach. Zach always looked up at the stands for his parents, his friends & the woman who had his heart, Jenna. He wore her necklace everyday & wore it under his jersey & football uniform just the same. October turned into the holidays & soon, prom was here. Miss Johnson was in charge of the ticket sales. One day, she saw that Zach was in line.

Miss Johnson: Hello Mr. Zamora.

Zach: Hey J... Miss Johnson. How are you?

Miss Johnson: I’m doing well. Buying tickets?

Zach: Yes, please. I’ll take 2.

Mrs. Freedman: Who’s the lucky girl, Zach?

Miss Johnson quickly gave Zach his tickets & change.

Zach: Lucky girl?

Miss Johnson: Please excuse me...

Miss Johnson runs off to the restroom. Zach follows her to make sure she’s ok.

Miss Johnson: Zach, you can’t be in here. What if someone saw you?

Zach: I don’t care. I’m worried about you. And I really miss you, Jenna.

They hear someone in the hall & they both run into one of the stalls. They keep their conversation to a whisper.

Jenna: Look, I don’t know what came over me. I shouldn’t upset. I should be happy for you.

Zach: Can you promise to wait for me. Please?

Jenna: Some days I just can’t take it, Zach. I want to be with you without having to worry about you losing your scholarship or me losing my job.

Zach: Just a few more months & we can do whatever we want.

Jenna buries her head in her hands. Zach holds her to comfort her. The bell rings.

Zach: I’ll see you after school.

Zach leaves & heads out the window.

Prom night was unbearable for Jenna. She helped sell tickets, decorate the gym & chaperone the event. She saw all the girls in their beautiful outfits & the guys in their dapper clothes. She wished she could turn back time & be their age so that she & Zach could freely be together. As she was helping serve the brownies & punch, she spotted Cassidy & Zach walking in under the balloon arch entrance. She told herself to be strong & be mature about this. She walked around the gym always making sure she kept a good eye on Zach. He was so handsome & all she wanted to do was kiss him. It was so hard fighting back all her emotions. She overheard a group of girls with Cassidy talking about Zach. Cassidy was talking about how she brought condoms in her purse for later. The girls teased each other about their dates & giggled at the thought of getting together with them at the end of the night. Cassidy was telling her best friend that as much as she had plans to be with Zach, she felt there was a strong hold on him from another girl.

Brittany: What makes you say that, Cass? You guys are perfect together! He’s the captain of the football team & your a cheerleader. It’s a match made in heaven.

Cassidy: You don’t understand, he wears her necklace every day. He never takes it off. It has the initial J on it. Know any girl who starts with a J?

Jenna walked away smug & smiling to herself. She felt secure in knowing that Zach would wait for her in-spite of all the advances thrown at him from Cassidy. Besides, why be with a girl when you can be with a fully experienced woman?

Couples danced & paired off. Some people left the dance, others stayed behind. Jenna has to stay till the very end of the night to make sure everything was locked up. She noticed Cassidy & Zach leaving & she sighed to herself. She turned away because she couldn’t bare the sight of the two of them together.

Zach was being the perfect gentleman & drive Cassidy home. There was plenty of heavy flirting from Cassidy, but Zach kept pushing her away.

Cassidy: What’s wrong with you!? Aren’t I hot enough?

Zach: Look Cassidy, thanks for tonight. It was fun.

Cassidy: Why aren’t you kissing me?

Zach kisses her on the cheek & leans over to open her door.

Cassidy: Last chance, Zach.

Zach: Sorry, I’m taken.

Cassidy: I knew it.

Cassidy steps out of the car kinda wobbly from drinking some of the spiked punch.

Zach drove back to the school. All the lights were off in the gym & main building. He drove around & noticed Jenna’s car in the parking lot by the football field. He parked near her & saw her sitting alone in the stands. He jogged his way towards her.