Heart broken

So my ex and I have dated for almost a year (our first date was Halloween) and while we hardly fought or anything, he knew I wanted to move for this job I just got (I’m recently out of college) and he said he didn’t want to do long distance so we cut things off when I left. He said he still wanted to be friends, and while I’m okay being friendly I told him that maybe one day but right now I needed time away from him. I’m in love with this man and almost turned back multiple times on my drive up to my new city and almost left the job I had just taken. We stopped talking on Monday and I just found out he was already on another date last night. I’ve been heart broken for weeks since we found out this was happening. How can he move on so fast?

I’ve been trying to think of ways for it to work or thinking about moving back in a year and he’s already dating other people. I did kinda expect him to move on eventually, but not within the same week! What do I do? Call him out on it or block him on everything and just leave? I’ve been thinking this move was a mistake the whole time but it doesn’t seem like he ever really cared. Please help.