Baby Daddy Dilemma 🤔

Soooooo me and my son's father broke up about a month a go because he was sleeping around on me tbh I wasn't even phased by it because I don't love him and didn't really wanna be with him I was just trying to "make it work" for our son's sake (bad idea I know) and my own sanity (raising and infant on your is ALOT).

So question is in 2-3 years good idea of bad idea to have a second child with him if we're both single and on good terms?

He's not the best most involved Dad but I tought him to be able to hold down the fort if anything where to ever happen to me. Pluse I'm okay pulling his weight. 💁🏽 Obviously he's a cheater so that's not a great look butttt I want more kid's and the idea of having to deal with 2 Baby Daddies potentially makes me wanna vomit. 🤢

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