What I have learned in a year of marriage


My husband and I met on a dating app on September 24th 2016. We met in person November 5th 2016 after lots of texting and skype calls. We had seen each other twice by November 19th 2016 and by that point I knew I was going to marry him but of course I couldn't tell anyone yet. By the end of November there was the fires in Gatlinburg and he was a Volunteer fire fighter and got called to help with the fires. I stayed up all night worrying about him and freaking out because of course i couldn't get a hold of him and I didnt know any of his family to see if they had talked to him either. Finally about 3pm the next day I heard from him and I was so happy to have heard from him. By the 3rd of December 2016 he asked me to be his girlfriend. We dated and by December 21st of 2017 he proposed to me at Dollywood in the snow globe! We planned our wedding and got married in the following October. My mother in law lived with my husband because she has health issues and can't afford to live on her own so she is in one part of the house and we have the other end and share the main areas like living rooms and kitchen. Everyone pretty much told me how stupid i was for moving in with both of them and how they wouldn't do it and blah blah even the people on here. Little did i know when he proposed shortly after that my mother in law got custody of 2 kids that is her great niece and nephew. After living with them for a year I can say that I am still glad I made the decision to marry the love of my life. What I have learned is its definitely different than still living at home as in my case I had 4 people I had to learn to live with. My husband isnt the cleaniest when it comes to the house as far as picking up the clothes on the floor or not piling up his night stand but he is a big help when i ask him. We definitely do not have the perfect marriage by any means and I think anyone that says that is lying but i think my husband and i are definitely meant for each other. There is literally no one else I could ever want. Everyone says marriage is the hardest the first year but if this is the hardest the rest should be super easy. As far as living with my mother in law i have had to put my foot down on some things and talked to my husband about certain things how basically how he doesn't have to do every little thing his mommy says to do. But his mother and I get a long great we just both are learning our lane to stay in. As far as the kids they have been fine just still struggling to remind them to clean up after themselves. I guess what i am getting at is even if everyone is telling you how much you will regret doing something like they did me still do it if you think its the right thing to do. Its definitely a learning experience but its totally worth it to be married to my best friend.