Baby or RN school?

So I’m just venting here I guess. We started TTC #2. Oldest is almost 4. I’m an LVN right now and have the opportunity to attend an RN transition program. Out of no where my husband is saying we should wait and I should go back to school. Our son has been asking for a sibling for over a year. And my heart wants another baby. Idk why he wants to put off our family so I can go to school. I’m upset because we have only TTC for a month and then not. This is my fertile week and we have BD twice but he has changed his mind now. Idk what to think anymore. I’m kind of heart broken. We’ve been together 11 years- HS sweet♥️’s. I’ve already stoked up in OPKS, BBT and HCG tests, idk what to say anymore to him.