Help please please



I’m 21 days past trigger, could be anywhere from 17-19ish days post ovulation. I had a sharp cramp on the 30th of September which I deemed could be implantation (I’m an idiot I know)... Thursday and Friday I posted the two FRER tests below. Friday I went in for a blood test. Just received the results and it’s at 2 😰. I went in today for another blood test. Waiting until tomorrow am.

I know most people will say it’s negative and no chance or maybe a CP. But has anyone had slow rising HCG before? Anyone think I could have implanted way late and by chance the FRER picked up a really really low level of hcg (ie 2)... ugh... ttc for 2 years. PCOS. This was my 6 month on Femara. First time with trigger.

Heartbroken. Keeping faith.