Not telling family we are TTC


So my mom and my grandma know that we are TTC. My mom has known since the beginning (October of 2018), and my grandma I just recently told because I wanted to confide in her about our struggles. Well today, I told my sister-in-law because I was telling her that I didn’t want to buy a dress yet for her wedding in May in case I’m pregnant by then. And this spiraled into a whole debate about how we leave them (aka my husband’s sister and his parents) out of the loop and how they’d like to know the good news. Am I wrong for leaving them out? To us, it isn’t “good news”, it’s been a constant struggle that we’ve had to deal with full of many tears, not some beautiful thing. There is no baby yet! So why is it good news? She then went on to throw things like what’s in the screenshot in my face. I just don’t know how to feel because she’s making me feel guilty but I feel like I shouldn’t feel guilty!