Is it really that weird or

So I used to love my nipples being sucked and whatnot. Im a woman of culture. But ever since I gave birth, my fiance is scared to touch them. He will grab my boobs sometimes, but not for long because hes scared he will "milk me". 😐

But I'm 4 months postpartum now and we've been having sex since I was 4 weeks postpartum honestly. Recently my sex drive has spiked so much. And I just have this feeling I NEED him to suck on my boobs, sexually. But im breastfeeding 😂 And of course hes not into it, hes scared he'll drink my milk and i dont really want him to. 🤣

please no judgement. I really cant give you an answer as to why. I didnt expect to crave it, much less want to have sex this much! I dont get horny when my baby eats. So 🤔😫