Down syndrome *Final update*

A few months ago, I was one of many women on here posting about the soft markers on my ultrasounds. Specifically, an echogenic bowel and an echogenic focus. I was 22, and he was my first baby.

I was terrified beyond belief, but I thought, okay I’m 22. It’s unlikely, right?

My baby was born August 15th via emergency C-section. They took him away, my husband followed. A few minutes later, he came back in and told me that they believed my son had Down syndrome.

Fast forward 5 weeks in the NICU. 5 of the worst weeks of my life. I was in disbelief and I was grieving like crazy. I was devastated that my son was looking at a life where he will not have the same opportunities as everyone else. I still am.

But let me tell you, he’s just a baby. He’s not a scary diagnosis. His heart problems are minimal, and he does have a 20-30% chance of developing leukemia, but he has an incredible team of doctors and therapists.

The truth is that life is uncertain, and tomorrow isn’t promised. Your baby could be born completely typical, and then something horrible could happen down the road. It’s much less of a guarantee than Down syndrome, but my point is that everyone has their struggles.

I see people on here so terrified. I get it, I really do. But know that no matter what, everything will be okay.

Update 10/12:

Baby boy was admitted to the hospital last night. He’s currently in the PICU because he’s not gaining enough weight, he’s anemic, and his heart defects are causing him issues.

It was discouraging to see him laying there with all of his wires, again, but coming here and reading (and rereading) all of your comments is making it so much better.

Here’s my brave kiddo!

Update 10/15:

Daniel’s home! Thank you for all of your kind words!