Is my body getting ready this early?!

This is my third baby and with both of my first, I've gone into labor naturally so I thought I'd be an expert this time.

Im currently 33+3 and the past few days LO is applying SO MUCH pressure to my cervix. Everytime she moves it takes my breath away. My BH are also getting VERY strong and almost unbearable. I'm starting to get bad headaches and using the bathroom quite frequently. I feel like I just can't do much without having lower belly/pelvic pain.

It's been two years since I've delt with this and don't really remember feeling this bad this early. Any insights? I'll be discussing this with my doctor tomorrow but im starting to get worried. I almost went to the hospital two nights ago because it was so bad but just tried to stick it out until it finally subsided enough for me to pass out.

Also, yesterday and today I have been so dizzy to the point I feel I might faint. It comes and goes but its happened about 5 times within 24 hours...