He’s being weird..

Okay ladies, so my boyfriend is bi and that’s no secret to me, but he says he doesn’t like anal or anal play at all (on him) We’ve been together for 2 years now and there has been a few times where I’ve suggested pleasuring him, just to spice things up and he always tells me no, he’s not into it.. at first I’m like okay, whatever, but then around March I found out he bought an anal toy with a remote that someone else can control. When I found it in his things, I asked if he wanted me to use it on him (because that’s literally the purpose of it) and he told me no again. He said he’s never used it before, so I asked why he bought it and he said it had good reviews and looked “fun”. So anyway, I brushed it off and didn’t think much of it.

Recently, my vibrator stopped working and he suggested I just use his toy because it has the same controls and everything. I told him no, but he gave it to me anyway. Now today, I find out he’s searching for another anal toy to buy and honestly I’m just confused.

Our sex life is fine, and we do it often, so I know he’s attracted to me. But I can’t understand why he keeps going behind my back to find this kind of stuff. We’ve always been open about his sexuality, and I’m open to trying things with him, but he doesn’t let me... Do you think he’s like, embarrassed?? I’m just trying to make sense of it without taking it personal