Just needed to vent


So I have been with my boyfriend for a year and some months. Hes 40 and 24. Well we'll both be in November. I am completely in love with him. Head over heels, but I dont think he loves me. We do alot things together like. I'm with every weekend. When ever we have a long weekend from work and holidays and family parties. He is my rock. Hes help me with my life. And I want to say I have helped him with his. But I dont think I have. When we first started to hangout he was still strung on hes ex. Even after we slept with each other. He would call her and he went on vacation sent her pictures saying that hes home in Mexico, was hers. And when he'd get drunk he would text her but still be all lovely dovy with me. And then he stopped. But he still had pictures of her and them. And I get it they had life together. But it never failed to make me feel if I was just a phase.[ Funny thing is they work together ] I was recently cleaning the apartment as I usually do and I found old pictures of them. Of her and one of his other exes. And I couldn't get out of my head that he will never marry me. Or even propose. But he has with the 2 girls picture he has. [ and before it's the will you never know phrase, I know, he says he never has intense to get married. Because it not for him] it just makes me feel like I am the problem or I'm not ever gonna be the person for him. I want to tell him how I feel. I'm terrified that I'm write. I just really had to vent and this seem like the best way. Sorry.