Momma problems ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•

So a little back story. My parents and I have never had that amazing bond that most children are lucky to have. When I was around 15 my uncle (hence the mentioning of Sebastian) molested me up until I was 17. I tried telling my parents but they thought I was just looking for attention since I'm the eldest of 6. Last year they finally realised that I wasnt lying and proceeded to press charges, during that time I was healing and since then I've made strides. Shortly after all that I met Justin, we got together and I thought it was gonna be a short lived thing. However that was almost a year ago and now we're planning an engagement next year lol. My parents kicked/forced me out early May, so Justin and his family were kind enough to take me in until we found a place to live. Well we recently got approved for a tiny house apartment and I'm stoked. So I thought I'd include my mother in the excitement and sent her a texting saying so. This was her response.

I just left it on read because I was hurt. I get that with their religion its "against the rules" to live with your partner before marriage. But to shame your own flesh and blood over it seems extreme. Thoughts on how to handle this?